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How to Grind Weed Without a Grinder: Top DIY Methods

Updated: Oct 7

how to grind weed without a grinder

We've all been there – the moment when you want to smoke a joint, but you can't find your grinder anywhere. The feeling of utter frustration is enough to make anyone go crazy! But what if we told you there are other ways to grind your weed perfectly without a grinder? In this guide, we'll discuss how to grind weed without a grinder and look at some of the top DIY methods to make your own grinder substitutes.

Explanation of Why Grinding Weed is Important

Why should you even grind your weed? Whatever form it takes, it's still weed, right? Well, not exactly. The act of grinding your cannabis is essential to getting the most out of it. Here are some of the most important benefits of grinding your weed:

  • More Consistent Burn

When you ground up weed into smaller pieces, it creates a more consistent burn. This means that you get to enjoy your bud's full flavor and aroma without having to relight it constantly.

  • Releases More Flavor and Aroma

Grinding your weed also helps release more flavor and aroma, resulting in an enhanced smoking experience.

  • Prevents Waste

If you don't grind your weed, then when you burn it, there will be parts that don't fully combust. This could result in wastage as some herbs may not reach their full potential when smoked.

  • More Potent High

If you want to get the most out of your weed, you must grind it. Grinding your weed allows the active compounds to release more efficiently, resulting in a more potent high, and perfect session.

  • Easier to Roll and Pack into a Joint Or Bowl

First, it's much easier to roll up a joint or pack it into a bowl when your weed is ground up into small pieces.

Reasons Why Someone May Not Have a Grinder

The reason is simple; good quality grinders cost way too much to get a replacement each time they are misplaced at a party. Aside from lost grinders, there are many reasons why someone may not have a grinder. Some include:

  • Availability

Depending on where you live, it might not be easy to find a suitable grinder that meets your needs. Sometimes, you may not even have access to stores that sell them.

  • Price

Good quality grinders come with a hefty price tag, and if you don't have the money to spare on one, then it's not an option.

  • Unfamiliarity

Not everyone knows how to use a grinder, so they may avoid getting one in the first place.

  • Preference

Some people may just prefer using other methods to grind their weed, such as using their hands or scissors.

methods for grinding weed without a grinder

Methods for Grinding Weed without a Grinder

How to Grind Weed With Hands

When everything else fails, your hands won't. Follow these steps to know how to grind weed by hand or, even better, how to hand grind weed.

  • Separate the buds – First, you must separate your buds from any stems or leaves attached to them. This will make it easier for you to grind them up into smaller pieces.

  • Break Up the Buds – Once you have separated your buds, break them up into smaller pieces by hand. You can do this by using your fingers.

  • Roll the Buds – After that, roll some of the ground weed between your palms until it has reached the desired consistency.

  • Sift Through It - Finally, sift through what's left of the ground weed with your fingers to break down any big chunks that may remain.

Pro Tips On How To Hand Grind Weed Perfectly

  • Ensure you don't over-grind, as this can result in a powdery consistency that is only somewhat effective when smoked.

  • Use fresh, high-quality buds whenever possible.

  • Roll the bud in one direction to avoid breaking it into too small pieces.

Pros and Cons of Using Your Hands To Grind Weed


  • It's easy and cost-efficient.

  • You can get the desired consistency with practice.


  • It takes time and patience to get it right.

  • Your hands may become sticky from handling the weed, which can be difficult to clean off.

Grinding your weed by hand also gives you more control over how finely or coarsely it is ground, so it's worth trying out if you don't have access to a grinder.

Using a Knife or Scissors

If you're looking for an alternative to grinding weed by hand, a knife or pair of scissors is a great option. Here's how to do it:

  • Prepare the Weed – Start by breaking apart your buds using your fingers. Once done, place them on a cutting board or in a bowl, and ensure they are spread evenly.

  • Use the Knife/Scissors – Grab your knife or scissors and chop away at the weed. Try to cut it into uniform pieces as much as possible, careful not to chop too finely.

  • Check For Uneven Chunks - Once you're done, sift through the ground weed with your fingers to check for any remaining big chunks.

Pro Tips For Getting the Desired Consistency

  • Chop quickly but carefully so you do not cut the weed too finely.

  • Be sure to use a sharp knife or scissors for the best results.

Pros and Cons of Using a Knife or Scissors To Grind Weed


  • It's fast, easy, and cost-efficient.

  • You can get the desired consistency with practice.


  • It takes some skill to do it properly.

  • Your tools may become sticky from handling the weed, which can be difficult to clean off.

Using a Coffee Grinder

This can be tricky as coffee grinders tend to be quite powerful, and you don't want to end up with powder instead of ground weed. But if done properly, using a coffee grinder is an easy and efficient way to get perfectly ground weed.

  • Prepare the Coffee Grinder: Start by cleaning out your grinder with a dry cloth or paper towel. Make sure there are no grounds left in it before proceeding.

  • Put the weed Inside: Once the grinder has been cleaned, insert your buds inside and secure the lid firmly.

  • Grind Away: Now turn on the grinder and let it work for 30-60 seconds. Pause grinding at intervals to check how finely your weed is being ground up.

  • Store Your Ground Weed: Once you're satisfied with the consistency, pour the grinded weed into an airtight container.

Pro Tips For Getting the Desired Consistency and Result

  • Start by grinding in short bursts of 5-10 seconds. This will prevent you from over-grinding and getting powdery weed.

  • Be sure to clean out your grinder after each use to avoid flavor contamination from previous batches.

Pros and Cons of Using a Coffee Grinder To Grind Weed


  • It can grind large amounts of weed quickly and easily.

  • You can get the desired consistency with practice.


  • It takes some skill to do it properly.

  • Your grinder may become sticky from handling the weed, which can be difficult to clean off.

Using a Mortar and Pestle to Grind Weed

A mortar and pestle is a traditional tool for grinding herbs and spices, but it is also one of the best ways to grind weed without a grinder. Here's how to do it:

  • Prepare the Mortar and Pestle - Start by rubbing the inside of the mortar with some salt or sugar to help break down the sticky resin.

  • Put the weed Inside - Once you have done that, place your buds inside the mortar and start grinding in a circular motion with the pestle.

  • Check For Big Chunks – Check how finely your weed is being ground up every 10-15 minutes. You may need to add some more salt or sugar as you go along if needed.

Pro Tips For Getting the Desired Consistency and Result

  • If your buds are too dry, consider adding a few drops of water to keep them from sticking together.

  • Try to use gentle circular motions while grinding so you don't end up with too much powder.

Pros and Cons of Using a Mortar and Pestle To Grind Weed


  • This homemade weed grinder gives you more control over how finely the weed is ground up.

  • You can easily adjust the consistency as needed.


  • It is tedious and labor-intensive.

  • Your mortar and pestle may become sticky from handling the weed, which can be difficult to clean off.

other ways for grinding weed without a grinder

Other Ways To Grind Weed Without A Grinder

Credit Card

Can you grind weed with a credit card? Absolutely! It might sound strange, but it is actually quite easy to use a credit card as a DIY grinder. To grind weed with a credit card, break your buds into smaller pieces and place them on a clean, flat surface. Use the edge of the credit card to break down the herbs until they are ground in an even consistency. You can use the back of a spoon or other kitchen utensil to get finer particles to press down on the herbs as you grind.

A Pill Bottle And A Coin

You could use two coins and a pill bottle if you don't have a grinder. All you need for this method is two coins (preferably quarters) and an empty pill bottle or mint tin. Place your weed into the bottle, place one coin at the bottom, and then drop another on top of your bud. Close the lid and shake vigorously for 30-60 seconds, and your weed will break into smaller pieces. But there are more realistic ways to grind your weed without this homemade or any weed grinder.

factors to consider when grinding weed

Factors to Consider When Grinding Weed

No matter which method you decide to use, 3 main factors need to be taken into consideration when grinding weed:

The Quality of the Weed

Different strains may require different grinds. Sativa buds tend to have very sticky resin and should be ground more finely than Indica buds, which have less stickiness.

The Consistency of the Grind

The consistency of the grind can affect the smoking experience. A fine grind can lead to a smoother burn, while a coarser grind will provide a stronger flavor. To achieve the desired consistency, experiment with different grinders and techniques.

The Desired Result

Consider what type of smoking experience you want when deciding on the grind. For example, if you want to roll a joint, you may need to grind your weed more finely than using a bowl.


You no longer have to worry about having a grinder handy. As you can see, there are many creative and resourceful ways to get the job done without having to purchase an expensive piece of equipment.

If you feel like none of these DIY methods on how to grind weed without a grinder works for you, then you should get a weed blender or grinder. However, grinding your weed with DIY methods is not only cost-effective but can also help ensure that you get exactly what you are looking for in terms of consistency and result.

With practice and patience, anyone can master the art of DIY grinding! Whether you use a coffee grinder, mortar, pestle, or even a homemade grinder for weed or a DIY weed grinder, remember to consider the quality of your weed, the desired consistency, and the result, and have fun in the process. Also, remember to keep an eye on your "grind" so you don't end up with powder instead of ground weed.

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*Top Level is now Aligned DC. While our name has changed, our commitment to providing premium cannabis products and excellent service remains the same. Thank you for your continued support!


how to grind weed without a grinder infographic

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